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Public and Private enterprises Customs-Business Forum (CBF);Partners Evening (PE)Objective Contracts;Performance Contracts;Memoranda of Understanding etc.…Assistance to enterprices; Trade facilitation; Predictability of procedures;                                                      
Tecnical and financial partner; IMF; WORLD BANK ; FERDI ; la GIZ ; EU  Economic and financial programs;technical assistance; PARFIB ; PAMFIBFUSION Revenue optimization,Reduction of tax expenditure,Capacity building,Improvement of transit
SHIPPERS(Importers, exporters).technical assistance, Capacity building, Reduction of costs and transit period; Mastery of the information system CNCC ;PAD CNCC, PAD, Stevedores 
STAKEHOLDERS OF THE LOGISTIC CHAIN:One Stop Shop for External Trade ; la CNCC ; Customs brokers ; stevedores ; transporters, Douala Ports Authority(DPA), Kribi Ports Authority (KPA), SGS  Technical Memorandum of Understanding Data Exchange Protocol, Interconnection of sea port and airport IT systems 
International Institutions WCO ; WTO                Tecnical assistance memorandum of understandingCapacity building; Trade facilitation; Expertise.
Customs Administrations of CEMAC and Central AfricaMutual Administrative Assistance(MAA) ;Technical memorandum of understandingCAR-CHAD-CONGO; Data exchange protocol with Chadian Customs as part of the interconnection of information systems; MOU with Nigerian and Congolese customs on the management of juxtaposed offices (MFUM NTAM)